
Two documents worth reviewing:

Ingredients for a great STEM Project



This document from ASCD is useful as you think about the year ahead: In_out 2017 ASCD


Several Operations Board members (The MA Governor’s STEM Advisory Council) had a conversation with Jessica Lipnak of Netage about how to map the activities and relationships of STEM programs and organizations. Having designed Search4STEM, we were intrigued by this kind of movable graphic representation. This process has finished its pilot stage. As of July 2014 there has been no move publicly to embrace this initiative in MA.


From the  Committee on STEM Education of National Science and Technology Council comes the 2013 Federal  5 year STEM Strategic Plan which

 “Makes STEM a priority in more of the Administration’s education efforts.

 Sets ambitious but achievable goals and challenges the private sector.

 Capitalizes on the President’s deep interest and leadership ” (from John Holder’s letter to members of Congress)


  • Planning started a number of years ago in MA. A group of 50+ volunteers from all the stakeholder groups, deliberated for a year and a half and produced an outline for a state STEM plan.  MA STEM Plan Outline 2008. The outline was reviewed during the development of the state STEM plan released on September 28, 2010. The plan is entitled A Foundation for the Future: Massachusetts’ Plan for Excellence in STEM Education. MA STEM Plan Final 9 28 10 The first step in implementing the plan was the convening of an Operations Board.
  • To find news about the  Council’s plan…and v2.0 is taking shape (See News and Announcements), go to the Board of Higher Education website’s STEM sector:

MA STEM Standards:

  1. Science and Technology/Engineering
  2. Technology
  3. Mathematics

See also the Common Core Standards, a recent development to raise the bar for the entire nation.

Other State Plans and Projects

These state STEM plans or initiatives have been recommended as worthy of review as Massachusetts develops its own:

Iowa has developed a model inventory.